Can Ogaden become the Next UN Member State?
Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis
December 26, 2009
What can the tyrannized Somalis of Ogaden expect then?
What can be expected then from the Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF), the rightful and sole representative of the people of Ogaden?
Yet, National Liberation, Freedom, Self-determination, and Socioeconomic Rehabilitation were never closer to reach for the malignantly persecuted, systematically butchered, and mercilessly oppressed Ogedenis.
For those who are not familiar with Eastern African History, the use of the term ´malignantly persecuted´ may look somewhat heavy or eventually unjustified. Yet, basic readings in Islamic and Modern History of the Horn of Africa will let unbiased readership realize that the multifaceted tyrannical systems applied by all the racist Amhara and Tigray regimes of Abyssinia on Ogaden have had one common denominator: the vicious anti-Somali, and particularly anti-Ogadeni hatred of the revengeful Amhara and Tigray Abyssinians who want to make today´s Ogadenis "pay" for the Somali invasion and occupation of Abyssinia that took place ….. before 500 years!
To persecute the descendants of the victorious Somali armies who destroyed the barbaric medieval state of Abyssinia, today´s racist Amharas and Tigrays perpetrated in Ogaden acts that have been vigorously denounced by leading Human Rights organizations like HRW and Amnesty International. As the ruling Monophysitic (Tewahedo) Amhara and Tigray Abyssinians represent less than 18% of the country´s entire population, one draws easily the conclusion that daily life for the outright majority, all the subjugated nations and tyrannized ethno-religious groups, consists in mere inhabitation of the world´s most apocalyptic Hell and survival under adversities never ever encountered before.
From that Hell, the tyrannized Ogadenis want to escape, by eliminating the Amhara and Tigray gangsters from their national homeland. Ogaden represents almost one third of today´s Abyssinia in terms of surface. And the Ogadenis total ca. 10% of the destitute country´s population. Ogaden´s integrity is undisputed as non Ogadeni residents in the area total less than 1% of the Somali-speaking population.
How easy can it be for the Ogadenis, under the national leadership of ONLF, to achieve their goals and national destiny, shifting from the Abyssinian Hell to the Independent Ogaden´s Paradise?
In fact, it is very easy! Suffice it that the Ogadenis and the ONLF avoid the existing traps and move out of the fog of lies, myths, misconceptions and fallacies that the colonial powers and the Freemasonic elites of the West did their ingenious best to diffuse among them and throughout the entire world.
Clear mind, right assessment of the local / regional situation, accurate evaluation of the international conjuncture, anticipation of forthcoming developments, identification of existing (but hidden) enemies and adversaries, discovery of available (but not yet contacted) friends and supporters, and a systematic approach to a thoroughly elaborated action plan is all that today´s tyrannized Ogadenis and the ONLF need in order to raise Ogaden to the position of the next UN member state.
In this effort, it is essential to have a clear mind devoid of myths and false interpretations of facts. In this regard, the Ogadenis and the ONLF have to irrevocably reject the following myths – that have long functioned not only against them but also at the detriment of many other subjugated nations. I will herewith enumerate – not analyze – these myths that constitute the essence of the fog that covers today´s world.
Myth 1 – America is a powerful country.
This is today´s most critical myth, and the strongest constituent of the aforementioned fog that, due to the ensuing confusion and unnecessary fear, paralyzes peoples and nations. America is a collapsing state that will soon be decomposed, falling apart to pieces, and sinking into chaos. The top of the US establishment and the world´s rulers, who pull the strings behind the scene, know this very well; even more so as they elaborate their plans, taking the aforementioned reality into account. In fact, the US is by now a paper tiger, and the best one can do to some besotted yet bullying American diplomats is to threaten them, shout to them, smack them or simply disdain them. They are good for nothing.
The entire US establishments, the CFR, the Wall Street, the Senate, the Congress and their Freemasonic puppet of president are good for nothing. America started differently, and the country was geared indeed to illuminate the entire world, and to lead other nations to the Imperative Human Moral Standards, Truth, Justice, Equity and Freedom. If this had happened, the world would have lived a paradisiacal 20th century.
Quite unfortunately, evil forces hijacked America´s political and economic establishment, by means of murders, plots, extensive black magic, and all sorts of evildoings. But there is nothing that happens without consequence; and the consequence of this development is that America lives now its last, final, ultimate years of existence. This does not mean that all Americans will die; not at all. Many will survive to form a diametrically different society, eliminating the cancerous tumor that plunged that nation into undeserved materialism, pathetic consumerism, media-driven conformism, and the ensuing Anti-Christian life standards.
It is therefore essential for the Ogadenis, particularly those who live in America, to distance themselves from any representative of the US economic, political, academic and social establishment. The people who value human moral standards in America are marginalized; the rest will just cheat you.
Myth 2 – Europe is a conglomeration of democratic and civilized countries where human values are respected.
The aforementioned statement consists in the most tenebrous smirk that has ever been thought of; today´s Europe is a barbaric realm inhabited by the world´s most petulant elite and the most dehumanized populations. Universities of Anti-African fallacies and racism, hijacked religious establishments that are controlled by the very enemies of the religions they supposedly propagate, rancorous elites self-intoxicated with the paranoia and the poison of their own lies. Conceited fools, at the top of their unnatural and perverted hierarchy, imagine that they have the right to turn the entire world to Hell for their sake and illegitimate survival. Unrestrained secret societies of anti-human hysteria and Anti-Christian venom, the likes of the Freemasons and the Illuminati, practice – at this very moment – human sacrifices during their ritual sexual orgies that their disreputable ´venerable´ masters transform to energy directed against innocent victims allover the world.
Today´s European rulers, bogus-royal families and vulgar peerage, pseudo-elected presidents, premiers, ministers, deputies, as well as deceitful intellectuals, faithless professors, swindling businessmen, corrupt generals, unworthy top administrators and managers are all criminal accomplices as members of the Apostate Freemasonic Lodge, a hijacked institution which has been masterminded to lead the entire world to extinction – at their unbeknownst.
And who are today´s European rulers?
Those who sent their armies to butcher pre-Columbian Mexico and Peru. Those who killed millions of innocent victims in the name of Jesus who never asked them to do so.
Those who destroyed the natural habitat of millions of species by spreading their evil industrial revolution and by generating material pollution that does not match only their mental and intellectual contamination.
Those who did their ingenious best to spread pestilence, disaster, corruption, distortion and death throughout India, China, the Islamic World, and Africa.
Those who diffused pseudo-Christianity among Africans in order – not to invite them to Jesus´ real preaching but – to forcefully and deceitfully drive them into the then emerging ´Western World´, which they already knew that it is neither morally permissible nor materially sustainable.
This is Europe: the monstrous laboratory where was constituted the foremost falsification of the History of the Humankind.
Their research centers, colleges and universities are the realm out of which emanated the Four Horsemen of the Christian Apocalypse:
1) Hellenism – the fallacy according to which today´s civilization is plausibly based in Ancient Greece and Rome and today´s Europe (and expansively the entire world) is based on two (genuinely Freemasonic!) pillars: the (otherwise inexistent) Greco-Roman world and the (distortedly represented) Christian medieval civilization
2) Orientalism – the fallacious representation of Ancient Mesopotamia (Sumer, Elam, Akkad, Hurri, Assyria, Babylonia, and Aram), Canaan (incl. Phoenicia, Israel), Anatolia (Hatti, Hittite, Luwia, Urartu, Phrygia, Lycia, Caria, Cappadocia and Pontus), Egypt, Kush (Ethiopia, i.e. Sudan), NW African Atlas, Yemen, Arabia, Atropatene (falsely portrayed as ´Iran´), India, Central Asia, and China. This inhumanly racist system of historical deformation plunged modern Asiatic and African nations into absolute darkness, unprecedented ignorance, cultural disintegration, national self-effacement, socio-behavioural inferiority, political destitution, and utter slavery.
3) Arabism – the counterfeit fabrication of an otherwise inexistent nation (culture, historical past, heritage, civilization, etc.) that is based on the excruciating deformation of the diachronic identity of the Hamitic Berbers (in Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, and Mauritania), the Hamitic Egyptian Copts (either Muslim or Christian), the Hamitic Kushites of Sudan (e.g. Ancient Ethiopia), the Yemenite and the Omani Semites (who are totally unrelated to the Arabs of Hedjaz), and the Aramaeans (as well as the aramaized Babylonians, Phoenicians, Ammonites, Moabites, Edomites, and Judeans) of the Asiatic Middle East (Syria, Lebanon, SE Turkey, Iraq, Jordan, Palestine, Israel, Kuwait, SW Iran, Qatar, Emirates, and S. Arabian north). By falsely interpreting the phenomenon of linguistic arabization (an epiphenomenon of the earlier islamization), the European colonial academia and diplomats created a regional political elite which, due to their Pan-Arabist intoxication, turned their pseudo-countries (former Ottoman provinces) into realms of depersonalized, historically and culturally destitute beings that can easily become stuff for any manipulation. Deprived of their real identity, the regional elites turned one against the other, without even imagining the reason, which fits the monstrous colonial interests and the evil Freemasonic plans for the area concerned.
4) Islamism – this is formed out of the counterfeit political theories that have been scrupulously elaborated and criminally projected among the Muslim regional elites who, originating from Ottoman provinces detached by the European gangsters, studied in the Western European universities – without of course imagining what sort of puppies they were being turned into through that process. Islamism is totally unrelated to Islam; it consists in a modern misinterpretation of the Islamic religion, heritage, culture and civilization that was geared in order to definitely prevent Muslims from ever discovering their historical and cultural identity and to submerge them into a calamitous misperception of Islam that they pathetically believe as their own tradition whereas it is a Western European fabrication. All Islamic religious schools and universities have been compactly contaminated by this fallacy, and the final result has been the chaotic situation in which today´s Muslims, particularly in the Arabic speaking countries, find themselves. Only remote parts of the Islamic world have been left untouched in this regard, due to the physical limits applied to the wicked colonial effort to convince local elites (in various parts of the colonized continents) to send their youth to the religious ´schools´ and ´universities´ that they had already contaminated with the Islamist fallacies of their naïve and ignorant puppy-students, the likes of Jamal ad-Din al Afghani and others.
Myth 3 – The Arabic world can help Ogaden, Somalia or other oppressed an tyrannized Muslim nations (notably the Afars, the Oromos, the Berbers, the Tuarge, the Turkmen, the Baluch, the Azeris, etc.).
How comical to expect help from someone who ….. does not exist! In the previous paragraphs, I referred to the Arab pseudo-nation as a calculated fabrication of the Freemasonic academia of the colonial and racist countries of Western Europe. Here, I will merely add a brief historical reference.
It is clear that an African American citizen is not (and cannot be taken as) Anglo-Saxon; similarly, people who may have forgotten their language, cannot be taken as culturally, ethnically and historically relevant to another nation of an originally distinct language that later happened to become theirs.
All the aforementioned peoples, by accepting Islam, sooner or later, started being arabized, but this development happened at the linguistic level only, not at the ethnic level. We know very well that the Arabs of the times of the Prophet were not numerous at all. One generation later, when the Islamic armies were about to reach Carthage in today´s Tunisia, Central Asia, and the Indus valley, the Muslim fighters were certainly speaking Arabic (as this was their religious language), but among them, the Arabs were already a minority. Aramaeans from Damascus and Ctesiphon, Egyptians from Alexandria, Yemenis from Muza and Persians from Praaspa formed already the majority among the Islamic fighters! They had learnt the language of Quran, but they did not change in anything their ethnic origin and cultural identity.
The Copts (Christians) of Egypt, and the Aramaeans of Iraq, Syria, SE Turkey and SW Iran are very good examples illuminating the historical developments: those who remained Christians initially preserved their language (Coptic and Aramaic – Syriac), and gradually lost it in later dates.
Several scholars have indeed pretended that Arab warriors, going outside the Arabic peninsula at the very Dawn of the Islamic Era, finally settled and definitely intermingled with local populations from Iran and Oman to Morocco, which would hypothetically suggest a certain arabization at the ethnic, not only the linguistic, level.
This would be an aberration. As a matter of fact, any amalgamation can eventually take place at the ethnic (not only the linguistic or the cultural) level. The case of the Aramaization of Babylonia and Elam (a long procedure that took place from the 6th century BCE to the 1st century CE) is quite indicative. But there were numerous Aramaic populations who had been transported by the Assyrian emperors of the 8th and the 7th centuries in Southern Mesopotamia or had settled there because of their own choice. The Elamites had been exterminated by Assurbanipal at 640 BC, and the subjugated Babylonians of the Achaemenid, Seleucid and Arsacid times (respectively 539 – 330 BCE; 313 – 250 BCE; 250 BCE – 224 CE) were gradually outnumbered by the continuously increasing in the Mesopotamian South Aramaeans.
However, nothing similar happened in the early Islamic times. At the times of the Prophet, all the Arabs of Hedjaz did not outnumber the population of just one sizeable Aramaic, Egyptian, Persian, Greek, Roman, Abyssinian, Berberic, Meroitic or Yemeni city - like Tadmor, Syene (Aswan), Istakhr, Corinth, Mediolanum (Milano), Axum, Carthage, Dunqulah or Aden. So, there cannot be any discussion at the ethnic level since the Arab warriors, who intermingled with indigenous populations in the countries that accepted the early Islamic rule, were not numerous but minimal among the multitude of the local populations.
What most of the modern European academia failed to study in this regard (and thence duly extract the correct conclusion) is the fact that already during the lifetime of the Prophet Yemenites in great numbers accepted Ali´s preaching in Sanaa at 630 CE, and consequently adhered to Islam. There were no Arab soldiers to invade and/or settle in Yemen (contrarily to what occurred in Mesopotamia, Syria, Egypt, etc.). And yet, the Yemenites progressively abandoned their native language and adopted Arabic. Exceptions are the modern Yemenite languages, Mahri and Soqotri.
This is the reality that shaped many parts of the Islamic world, and this was widely accepted among Muslims, from the first centuries of Islam down to the times of Napoleon and the early colonization.
Myth 4 – Today´s Western World is Christian.
This is the greatest joke of all times! In fact, Europe was Christian (for the parts that did not belong to the Andalusia´s Caliphate and to the Ottoman Empire). And Pre-Columbian America´s nations were forced to accept Christianity in order not to be physically exterminated through the guns of the criminal conquistadores.
Then, came the Reform, and the rise of Protestantism (Luther, Zwingli and Calvin) caused a terrible shock within Western (Catholic) Christianity; in a way, by falsely accusing the Pope of Pelagianism, they engaged with Augustinianism, thus bringing in force Manichaean elements, concepts, and structures of thought within the Christian world. With the subsequent formation of Anglicanism, with the rise of centralized kingdoms, and the diffusion of the anticlerical ideas by the philosophers of the Enlightenment, the stage was prepared for the direct challenge to the Christian power in the West. The French revolution institutionalized an Anti-Christian religion that reflected Freemasonic concepts that had earlier been prohibited by the Catholic Church throughout Christian Western Europe.
The imposition of the Satanic ritual of "l' Être Suprême" (supreme being) reflects ('%C3%8Atre_supr%C3%AAme) the willingness of the French Freemasons to impose - in the aftermath of the French revolution - their tyranny in the name of their own self-styled ´god´, the notorious, shadowy and evil ´great architect of the universe´ (, who in turn is a late derivative of the Manichaean concept of Satan (Demiurge:
The decomposition of the Christian character of the Western societies took a more intensified form over the past two centuries at both the socioeconomic – political and the educational – intellectual – cultural levels. This great development has never become an object of extensive and profound study and research in any Muslim country, and the reason is simple: they are controlled by the colonial powers of the West.
The reason the Freemasonic elites of Europe do not want Muslims to know that the Western countries have been critically, malignantly and deceitfully de-Christianized is also simple: if the Muslims come to know this reality, they will join forces with the remaining Christian forces in the West against the West´s Freemasonic – Zionist establishment, and this is what this evil establishment strives to avert. If the evil process of the de-Christianization of the West is duly assessed by Muslims, the fake clash "Islam vs. Christianity" that the Freemasonic – Zionist establishment strives to ignite will be effectively prevented.
Infiltration among the ranks of the Christian establishments and the Catholic Church itself played a seminal role in the aforementioned developments. In fact, after the death of Pope Pius XII, not a single Pope was elected without Freemasonic consent and/or interference; except John Paul I, who was not Freemason, and was therefore assassinated after only 33 days of tenure, just as many as the Freemasonry degrees of hierarchy…..
Why is it important for the Liberation Front of a subjugated Muslim nation to be fully aware of the fact that the Western World is not Christian anymore, and that it is run by viciously and vociferously Anti-Christian secret elites?
The answer is very simple; if the independence of a Muslim nation happens to be part of our world´s powerful elites´ interests, they get it done without long discussions. Kosova´s independence is indicative in this regard. The evil elites want to use this small country in their East European games, and that´s why they supported the persecuted Albanians of that formerly Yugoslavian and Serbian province. But what happens if the independence of a Muslim nation is not part of these elites´ plans? This is easy to anticipate; they will oppose the development by defaming the tyrannized Muslims as terrorists. They will then mobilize the ignorant, naïve, frightened and thought-controlled masses against the development, through use of their tool, i.e. the mass media.
By defaming any Muslim, who acts against their preconceived schemes and antihuman plots, as "terrorist", the hidden rulers of the undemocratic West spread distrust, fear and confusion among the Muslims´ sole ally in the West, i.e. the Catholic Christian masses, and the Catholic institutions that have escaped the Freemasonic infiltration and control, notably the Jesuits, the Marists (, and the Sedevacantists (; thus, they finally manage to separate two valuable allies who could / should join forces against
The rise of the ´Islam vs. Christianity´ spectrum is the key tool that facilitates the Freemasonic tyrants who are hidden behind the regimes of London, Paris and Washington to outmaneuver any liberation struggle of a subjugated Muslim Nation (and to discredit the justification of it).
They also possess further tools in this regard, namely the pseudo-Muslim rulers whom the colonial gangsters instituted at the top of all the pseudo-countries formed after the Satanic detachment of the Ottoman provinces from the Sultan´s sole Islamic authority. Criminal servers of Islam´s worst enemies, rulers like Abdullah of Jordan, the Moroccan trash of king, and the crypto-Christian Saudi ruler, and monstrous dictators like those of Tunis, Tripoli, Khartoum and Sanaa, are the worst enemies of any Muslim nation aspiring to freedom, national independence and cultural integrity. They don´t need to always declare it; at times they promise help that they never deliver due to later excuses.
That is why the Ogadenis are on the same wavelength with the tyrannized Berbers of Kabylia, the heroic Tuareg Nation of Sahara, the persecuted Turkmen of Iraq, the valiant Azeris of Iran, and the oppressed Baluch of Pakistan, Afghanistan and Iran.
It is therefore essential for Muslims struggling to establish a national home to build a strong bond with the equally persecuted Catholic Christians of the Anti-Christian West, who feel absolutely ashamed to live in countries where homosexual marriages are progressively institutionalized.
There is no difference in the feeling of oppression and discrimination as shared by a) subjugated Muslim nations and b) Western Christians disgusted by their own countries where measures are incessantly taken to destroy the values of Family (through adoption of children by homosexual couples), Life (because of practices like the shamelessly de-criminalized abortion), and Morality (via widespread materialism, consumerism and conformism).
An alliance should also be achieved with the Oriental Christians, the Aramaeans, the Copts, and the Russians, who all denounce the pestilence brought forth by the prevalence in Western Europe and North America of regimes controlled by the Apostate Freemasonic Lodge and its dependencies, proxies, annexes, substitutes, agents and slaves.
In a forthcoming article, I will expand on the alliances that the Ogadenis should establish in order to correctly contextualize their rightful struggle that consists in mere reflection of every human search for dignity, valor and virtue.
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