Friday, August 29, 2008


Arrangements afoot in Riyadh for Ramadan
RIYADH/JEDDAH: While Riyadh streets are being illuminated to give a festive atmosphere to welcome the advent of the holy month of Ramadan, extensive arrangements are being made in all the mosques to accommodate the additional number of worshippers throughout the month.

Sequel to a directive issued by the Ministry of Islamic Affairs, Endowments, Call and Guidance, mosques this year will be open for worshippers 24 hours a day.

According to the circular, imams of all the mosques in the Kingdom have been instructed to keep the places of worship tidy and to ensure adequate and uninterrupted supplies of power and water during the holy month to meet the requirements of the increased number of Muslims who go for Taraweeh, which follows the regular Isha prayers.

Midnight prayers (Qiyamul Lail) will be conducted from 1 a.m. from the 20th of Ramadan till the end of the holy month. Private establishments that have been contracted for mosque maintenance works have been asked to be on duty at nights during the holy month to guarantee continuous water and power supply in all the worshipping places.

Improvised partitions for ladies are being built in mosques that do not have separate prayer halls for women. Some of the mosques are busy replacing their old carpets with new ones and others are being color-washed to give them a fresh look during the holy month.

Yesterday, the Friday noon prayers focused on the significance of the holy month. Welcoming the advent of the holy month, imams appealed to the people to strictly adhere to the teachings of the Qur'an and the traditions of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) during this period.

Speaking to Arab News after the Friday prayers yesterday, Abdul Aziz, imam at a mosque in Riyadh's Sarafiya District said: "We expect larger congregations at Taraweeh prayers this year." He added that the holy month not only affords a good opportunity to Muslims to greet one another but also helps us perform good deeds that will be richly rewarded by the Almighty Allah.

Meanwhile, Deputy Labor Minister Abdul Wahid Al-Humaidi has said that public and private-sector employees are to have their hours reduced for Ramadan to six hours per day — and that any extra hours worked must be voluntary on the part of the employee and that employers must pay overtime for these voluntary extra hours worked.

Abdullah Marie ibn Mahfouz, member of the board of directors of the Jeddah Chamber of Commerce and Industry said most employers shave off the work shifts by changing starting times from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. He also said employers are allowed to break up the six hours into two shifts, and make workers stay late in the evening if needed.

— Mohammed Rasooldeen in Riyadh and Galal Fakkar in Jeddah contributed to this report.

Arab News

Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Unnecessary Bloodshed: Afars and Issa Somalis in Fratricidal Conflict


Sent to you by Ahmed via Google Reader:


via World Somali Congress on 8/22/08

Afars and Issa Somalis in Fratricidal Conflict: the reasons of the conflicts and the long lasting antagonism may be secondary and unimportant; however, the colonial involvement worsened the situation through false promises, utilization of naïve leaders in harmful projects, and vain hopes of prevalence and preponderance, through reticence and biases - Political Analysis


Things you can do from here:


Discord among Somaliland´s Elite, as Outcry Rises against the Scandalous Huda Barkhad Woman - [World Somali Congress]

Discord among Somaliland´s Elite, as Outcry Rises against the Scandalous Huda Barkhad Woman - [World Somali Congress]



Friday, August 8, 2008

via WAAJID by waajid on 08/08/08

Muqdisho: Ra,isulwasaraha XFKS Nuur Xasan Xusein Nur Cade oo maanta la hadlay mid ka mid ah idaacdaha Muqdisho ayaa sheegay qilaafka ugu weyn ee ka dhex taagan madaxda sare ee Dowlada in uu ku qotomo arinta dib uheshiisiinta,Sidii guryahooda loogu soo celin lahaa dadka ka barabaxay magaalada Muqdisho iyo dib ufurida wadooyinka xirxiran iminka ee gudaha magaalada Muqdisho.

Mr Nur Cade ayaa sheegay in loom bareeray sidii loo carqaladeyn lahaa hananka dib uheshiisiinta ee ay xukumadiisa biloowday laakin lagu gul dareeystay sida uu hadlka udhigay isaga oo ka leexleeday cida taakada ku heysa dib uheshiisinta .

Ra,isulwasaaraha waxaa uu ku adkeeystay in barnamijka dib uheshiisiinta ay wado xukumadiisa in u yahay barnamijka kaliyah ee Soomalia nabd buuxda ukeeni karo waxaana uu ku faanay in haatan ay gaareen natiijo horu udhac ah mar hadii ay heshiis la galeen Mucaaradka sida uu hadalka udhigay.

Mar uu ka hadlayey Ra,isulwasaaraha qilaafka soo kal dhex galay isaga iyo madxweeynaha ayaa waxaa uu qiray in uu kiro qilaaf soo kala dhex galay labadooda laakin waxaa uu meesha ka saaray in qilaafkaasi uu yahay mid aad uweyn oo lagu kala tagi karo.

Nur Cade waxaa uu walaac ka muujiyey xaalada ay ku jiraan kumanaan qoys oo soomaali ah oo ka barakacay magaalada Muqdisho waxaana uu sheegay in ay isagu dhibeeyso in Shacabka Muqdisho ka qaxay ay maanta ku noolaadaan meel aan ku habooneyn oo cuduro iyo dhibaatooyin ay ka dhaln karaan.

Ra,isulwasaaraha ayaa ugu baaqay dadkaasi in ay muujiyaan dulqaad waxaana uu ubalan qaaday in uu dib ugu soo celin doono guryahooda sida uu hadlka udhigay.

Mar uu ka hadlayey Mr Nur Cade qoraal uu dhawaan soo saaray Xeer Ilaaliyaha guud ee Qaranka C/llaahi Daahir Barre, kaasi oo uu xusnaa qodob sheegayay in Ra'iisal Wasaaraha uu ku qaldanaa xil ka qaadistii uu ku sameeyay Guddoomiyihii Gobolka Banaadir Maxamed Dheere, waxaa uu Ra'iisal Wasaaraha uu sheegay in Xeer ilaaliyaha uusan shaqo ku lahayn in uu ka hadlo arrimaha is-heysadka madaxda Dowladda, arrintaasna ay khuseyn lahayd Maxkamadda Dastuuriga ah ee dalka, oo sida uu yiri aan haatan dhisneyn.

Xeer Ilaaliyaha ayuu ugu baaqay Ra'isal Wasaare Nuur Cadde in uusan sameynin wax sharciga ka hor imaanaya, wuxuuna sheegay in Xeer ilaaliyaha howshiisa ay tahay kaliya in uu sharciga ilaaliyo, isla markaana dacwado soo oogo marka dembiyo la galo

Hadalka Ra,isulwsaare Nur Cadde ayaa waxaa uu kusoo beegmay xilli uu jiro qilaaf baahsan oo udhaxeeyo isaga iyo Madxweeyne C/llahi Yusuf Axmed.

via Horseed Media by mahad on 08/08/08

New York(HR Media):- Wakiilka Qaramada Midoobay ee u qaabilsan Soomaaliya Ahmed Oulad Cabdallah ayaa qoraal uu uga hadlayo safaradiisa iyo waxqabadkiisa intuu ku sugnaa Xarunta New York usoo diray Shacabweynaha Soomaaliyeed si ay ulla socdaan wararka ugu danbeeyey ee dhinaca Qaramada Midoobay iyo dadaalada nabadeed.

Hadaba Qoralaka Ahmed Oulad Cabdallah ayaa sidan u qornaa:


Warqad ku socota Soomalidda qurbaha ku nool


Asalaamu Alaikum

Hadaad xasuusatan waxaan idiin soo diray warbixin bishii Juun kas oo ka dambeeyey booqashadaydii London halkas oo aan kula kulmay Jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed. Maantana waxaan idiin soo dirayaa warbixin taasoo ka dambeysay booqahsadii aan dhowaan ku tagay Magaalooyinka New York, Washington iyo Minyabolis ( 21-31, July 2008).

Golaha Amaanka ee fadhiguusu yahay New York, wuxuu maalin gelinkeedii hore oo dhan uu ka lahaa dood furan arrimaha Soomaliya. Ka dibna wuxuu arrinta ka yeeshay fadhi albaadada u xiran yihiin. Xubnaha Golaha Amaanka waxay si dhab ah u danaynayaan geedi socodka nabadda ayagoo isla markaasina si hoose ula soconayaan xaaladda. Dhammaanteena waxaan wada-ogsoonahay in Golaha Ammaanka uu yahay Hay'adda ugu weyn ee dhinaca go'aan ka gaarista arrimaha duunida. Haddaba, waxaa aad noo dhiirigelinayaa danayntoota cusub ee uu goluhu danaynayo arrimaha Soomaliya. Dawladda Federaaliaga Ku-Meel Gaarka, (TFG) iyo Jabhadda Dib U Xureynta Soomaaliya (ARS) waxay la kulmeen Golaha Ammaanka ayagoo isla socda matalayaana Soomaaliya.

Magaalada Washington waxaan hadal waxtar leh kula yeeshay Condoleeza Rice, Xoghayaha Arrimaha Dibedda, Ku- xigeenkeeda John Negroponte, Kaaliyaha Xoghayaha Arrimaha Dibedda ee Arrimaha Afrikaanka, Jendayi Frazer, Agaasimaha Sare ee Arrimaha Nabadgelyada Qaranka, Bobby Pittman iyo Saraakiil Sar-sare oo dhammaantooda muujiye taageerada ay u hayaan heshiiskii Djibouti. Fadlan eeg lifaaqa halkan ku xiran si aad war dheeraad uga heshid arrintan.

Magaalada Minyabolis waxaa ku nool Jaaliyad Soomaaliyed oo ku fir-fircoon arrimmaha bulshada iyo ganacsiga, waxaan kulan aad u wanaagsan la yeeshay Jaaliyadda Soomaaliyeed oo aad u ballaaran, fir-fircoon, deeqsi iyo waddaniyiinba ah. Waxaan dhammaantayada wada yeelanay kulan saraaxad leh. Shirka waxaa ka soo qayb galay dad ugu yaraan laba-boqol kor u dhaafay kana kala yimid min Kalifooniya ilaa Illonois inta u dhexeesa. Waxaan ka aqoonsaday dadkaasi saaxiib iyo Safiir hore ee dadka Soomaaliyeed u fadhin jiray magaalada Brussels-Belgium 1970dii. Waxaa kale oo ayaduna farxad lehayd inaan arko in ka badan 1/3 ee ka soo qayb galeyaasha ay ahaayeen haweyn. Nasiib darro, waqtiga oo koobnaa dartii nooma ayna suurta gelin inaan si mug leh ooga wada-hadalno dhammaan arrimihii muhiimadda lahaa. Si kasta ahaatee, waa in aan joogteeyna xiriirkeena, waxaan qorsheynayaa inaan booqdo kale si aan ula kulmo dadka ku nool dalka Mareykanka iyo Kanada. Dhiiri gelin xoog leh ayey u hayeen dadka halkaas jooga arrimaha nabad gelyada iyo dib u heshiisiinta.

Waxaa socda dadaal si tallaabo-tallaaba leh loogu hirgelinaayo heshiiskii Djibouti. TFG iyo ARS labaduba waxay soo gudbiyeen magacyadii xubnihii uga qaybgeli lahaa Guddigii Nabad gelyada iyo Guddigii Sare ee Arrimaha Siyaasadda, arrimahaas oo waafaqsan qodobada 8aad iyo 9aad ee heshiiskii. Waxaan rajeynayaa in shirarka ugu horeya labada Guddi ay qabsoomaan usbuuca soo socda, lagana yaabo in ay ku qabsoomaan Djibouti.

Sida aad la socotaan, Dawladda Federaalka Ku-meel gaarka ah waxaa waqti dhow ragaadiye arrimo gudaheeda ah, laakiin Dawladdu waxay ku dhegentahay qaybna ka tahay meel marinta geedi socodka nabadda. Waxaan la hadlay madaxda, sida Madaxweynaha, Af-hayenka Baarlamaanka, Raisul- Wasaaraha iyo Jaalleyashooda u dhow-dhow. Waxaana muuqata in arrintii u weynaa ee la isku hayey hadda la xalliyay. Waxaa soo dhoweyn muddan, taageeridda iyo geesinimo gelinta joogtada leh ee aad ka geysantaan arrintan. Soomaaliya waxay u baahantahay garab xoog leh oo taageera. Dadka Soomaaliyeed dulqaad umma hayaan hadda dhibaatadii horay dalka uga jirtay, maxaa yeelay muddadii kumeelgaarka waxaa ka haray wax aan sannad kabadneen. Iskaashi iyo nabad ka wada-shaqeyn uun baa ah waddada keli ya ee furan mustaqbalka.

Waxaa nasiib darro ah, sii wadidda waxyeelidda ummadda, sida dilkii bahalnimada lahaa ee lagu dilay haweynkii aan waxba galabsan oo ayagoo nadiifinaayo waddooyinka Xamar lagu dilay. Gebi ahaanba arrintan ma'aha mid la oggolaan karo.

Guud ahaan dadka Soomaaliyed waxay dhowraan amma ilaaliyaan ballan qaadyadooda. Annaguna, haddii aanu nahay bulshada caalamka waxaanu ka jawaabeyna dadaalka dadka Soomaaliyed, bacdamaa, soo celinta nabadda iyo kala dambeynta la rabay in ay dhacdo mar hore. Taasoo dadka Soomaaliyeed oo dhibaatada haysatay oo keliya aannu dan u ahayn, balse ay la wadaagaan ummadaha ku nool Gobolka iyo dhammaan bulshada caalamkuba.

Soomaaliddu waa in ay dhowrtaa midnimadeeda si ay u gaarto hadaf keeda. Markii aan Minyabbolis joogay waxaan xusuusiyey dadk Soomaaliyeed waxa ay nafarayso aayadda 103 ee Suratul-Cimraan- ee Quraanak kariimka ah. Haddaba maanta waxaan fariinteyda ku soo geba-gabaynayaa waxyaalaha suuraddaas nafarayso. Suuraddaas oo ummadda farayso in ay xarigga ILAAHAY qabsadaan ayagoo midaysan.

NB: Mudadii uu booqashada ku marayay magaalooyinka Maraykanka, SRSG iiga, waxaa mogaca Haweenka Soomaaliyeed ee qurba jooga ah lagu guddonsiiyay shahaaddo sharaf muujinaysa sida ay raali oogu yihiin Haweenka geedi socodka nabadda uu waddo.

Walaalkiina Ahmedou

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Darfur camel ambush 'kills six'

Six people are killed and 28 wounded after a camel attack on a civilian convoy in Sudan's Darfur region, the UN says.

Somaliland Vice President candidly............

Somaliland Vice President paints bleak future for Somalia's secessionist entity
"This Constitution is in English and I can't read or write English"
In a candid conversation with Diasporas Somalilanders the Vice-President of the self-declared Somaliland Republic painted a bleak picture of the economic and political crisis facing Somalia's secessionists' enclave. He shared with the audience, apparently in confidence, that he is in complete disagreement with President Riyaale with how the government handled the controversial issue of exporting livestock from the enclave.
On August 3, 2008 I was invited, I believe by mistake, to participate in a Tele-Conference organized by Somaliland American Council, a Washington-based Ad Hoc group dedicated to the lobbying for the recognition of Somaliland as a State independent from Somalia. The subject of the conference was "Current Situation in Somaliland' and the Keynote Speaker was Ahmed Yusuf Yassin, Somaliland Vice President.
The following are the highlights of the Vice President presentations to an audience he believed was solely made up of the core constituency of the "Somaliland" Project.
The Government does not have the capacity to control events on the ground in Somaliland. " If a lawless teenager (Jirri) burns the Quran in the centre of Hargeisa, no government can do anything to stop it let alone bring him to justice.", Mr Yassin stated. He added if the government intervenes the whole incident would be turned into a clan against clan issue.
On the controversy over giving exclusive rights to a Saudi national to export livestock from the country, the Vice President stated that he is not in agreement with President Riyaale to give monopoly to a foreign national to export our livestock. However, in order for a free market to take effect for the export of livestock from Berbera we are required to come up with 3 million dollar deposit as a guarantee that the live stock is free from Rift Valley disease. The government does not have that can kind of money neither the business community.
Responding to a pre-submitted question on the Somaliland Constitution and how it relates to the controversy surrounding the export of livestock, the Vice President said that the Constitution was written 10 ago in English by a Sudanese constitution expert. No one is able to translate it into Somali. Therefore, neither "the President or myself know what is in the Constitution." "We need you, guys in the Diasporas, to translate this import document."
In concluding his speech, the Vice President, who is in Burco, stated that the only good news I have for you is that we succeeded in our long campaign to capture Las Anod. The key element in this campaign was, in advance of our militia invasion of Sool in 2007, we quietly and clandestinely sent dozens of former convicts, trained by our Ethiopian allies, to infiltrate the Sool communities in Adhi Cadey and Yagori. They settled and married from the community while all along providing intelligence and recruiting local collaborators. The Vice-
President added that they will continue following the same strategy in completing the occupation of Sool. At one point the Vice-President was interrupted by the Tele-conference Moderator who opinioned that we learned this strategy from our Protectors, the British, and thank God it is working! Laga Baray-ba; Laga Badi !!
Also the Vice-President reminded time and again during his presentation that the Ethiopians are our friends and that you, meaning the Diasporas Somalilanders, not to listen to those who malign Ethiopia. He also praised and thanked international NGOs. He said without them Somaliland can not survive for a day. So every Somalilander overseas should try his best to bring one NGO.
As a staunch defender of Somali Unity in spite of our current tragedy, this is the first time I participated in a "Somaliland" meeting whether by telephone or in person. I was flabbergasted by the contrast between Ahmed Yassin's honest briefing on "Somaliland" current situation and the deafening boasts and naked propaganda of Diasporas Somalilanders that their 'country' is peaceful, booming, and it is destined to be an international tourist destination. For a country that can not afford to come up with a 3 million dollar deposit, what do you expect the condition of the average Somali in Hargeisa and Burco?
Another question that comes to mind isn't the Vice-President a member of the Somaliland Government? During his presentation he time and again spoke in the plural 'We'. "We are against the Government handling the livestock issue." Does the 'We' refer to a sub-constituency in Somaliland that Ahmed Yusuf Yassin is a member but not President Riyale?
The Vice-President should be commended for his candor. He is popularly known in Somaliland as "WayDhaqaaq'day!", meaning "Somaliland is on the Move". It is a popular phrase he uses when addressing the masses on public events. But based on his presentation on August 3, 2008, it seems Somaliland "May Dhaqaa'qin.". Somaliland is not moving. On the contrary Somaliland is "stagnant" in a cesspool of dysfunctional governance that is plagued by crude divisive clanism and corruption.
In conclusion I wish to thank SomalilanderAmericans for organizing an open forum for all those interested in the affair of "Somaliland". It was a learning and interesting experience.
Osman Jama Adam

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Successful family reunion

Successful family reunion
Somali Farha Sharif lost contact with her mother over 10 years ago. In August 2007 they were reunited thanks to Red Cross' Tracing and Messaging Services.

- My name is Farha and I believe you are my mother, said Farha Sharif on the phone to a woman she had not seen for more than 10 years. Crying, her mother replied - I am your mother, but I know that you are dead. What happened to you?

Not the average type of conversation for most people, but fully possible thanks to the Red Cross' work to locate the missing, account for their fates, restore contact between family members, and reunite them if possible.

Farha was only nine years old when the civil war started in her homeland Somalia. The family fled from the war torn port of Kismayo to Mombasa in Kenya. There, her mother Amina Ibrahim, father Mohamed Sharif, Farha and the two year younger sister Nasara found shelter in a refuge camp. Shortly after they arrived Mohammed went back to Kismayo. That was the last Farha and her family ever saw of him.

The long journey After four years in the camp, Farha went on a journey with some relatives. It took her through Niarobi and Holland, before reaching her final destination, London. She never thought that it would be over 10 years until she saw he mother again. Her mother and sister left the camp a few days after her, and Farha lost all contact with them.

Farha first contacted Red Cross in Holland, then in London, for help finding her mother and sister. In the end of 2006 they received a tip saying that a woman from Farha's tribe was in a Norwegian refugee processing centre. The Norwegian Red Cross was contacted, and Brita Liholm Johannessen at The Norwegian Red Cross Tracing and Messaging Services visited the centre, and found a woman named Amina Ibrahim. The Red Cross has a responsibility to protect both those who are searching and those who are found. Lilholm Johannessen therefore asked Amina if she wanted to be found. - No, because I believe someone is lying. My daughter is dead, Amina replied.

But when she was shown Farha's picture she got doubtful. Farha got the number to the refugee centre and called to speak to Amina. The first conversation was very emotional, and Farha spent a lot of time convincing her mother that it was possible that she had survived.

The first meting Shortly afterwards Liholm Johannessen followed Farha to a train station, were she had her first tearful meeting with her mother in more then 10 years. The contrast between the refugee camp in Kenya and the Norwegian countryside was enormous. - I was so happy, but also filled with panic for what would happen, said Farha.

Farha was told that the younger sister Nasra had gone missing from her mother during their journey from the refugee camp in Mombasa. The Red Cross is still tracing Nasra today.

Lilholm Johannessen says that Farha's case proves how important it is that Red Cross is available when people get separated from each other. - Thanks to good cooperation between the Red Cross and Red Crescent societies in the different countries, this case turned out good. It shows how important it is to have standardized routines, forms, and criteria for requests regarding tracing, she says.

Farha recognizes some symptoms of dementia at her mother, and she is sad because she can not reach her the way she hoped. But, she says, if they had found her a few years later it might have been too late.

Farha is now trying to get her mother to England so that they can be together. - My greatest wish right now is to live with her, Farha says quietly.

Source: Red Cross, Aug 06, 2008

A military court on Wednesday convicted Osama bin Laden's driver of supporting terrorism but acquitted him on the more serious charge of conspiring with al-Qaeda in the first U.S. war crimes trial since World War Two. The judge at the remote U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay on Cuba scheduled

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Somalia - A Time for Thanks


Sent to you by Ahmed via Google Reader:


via World Somali Congress on 02/08/08

Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis August 01, 2008
There is always a time for thanks; a moment to stop regular activities, and express recognition and gratitude to those whom we identify as an appreciatively essential advocate.
I would thank Mr. Ahmed Haji Abdi in private for his willingness to publish an entire article to thank my modest person for the otherwise minor contribution to the efforts leading to Somalia's Re-liberation, Pacification, Re-Unification, Re-habilitation and (...) - Political Analysis


Things you can do from here:


Ogaden – A Time for Fight


Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis

At a critical moment for the History of Ogaden, the Fourth Plenary
Session of the Central Committee of the Ogaden National Liberation
Front (ONLF), held from 22 July to 30 July 2008, was an excellent
opportunity for reassessment and re-launch of the national struggle
for Ogaden's liberation.

The recently published Human Rights Watch Report on Ogaden consists in
a valuable document that deserves to be politically exploited – in the
most systematic way – as a main tool for the further propagation of
Ogaden's plight and the Ogadeni Somali people's right to Independence,
Freedom, and Self-determination.

It is therefore only promising for the terrorized, tyrannized and
massacred people of Ogaden to come to know the ONLF Resolutions
announced in the aftermath of the event; the points therein stressed
reveal very well that the ONLF leadership, rightfully,
representatively, and authoritatively expressing the desire of every
Ogadeni living in the isolated, impoverished region of starving
heroes, has understood correctly that a combination of military and
political efforts and endeavors will guarantee the final victory.

Result of astute observation and resolute conclusion, the ONLF
Resolutions statement clearly denounces the Abyssinian tyrant Zenawi
regime's evildoings in Ogaden, their ominous plans for neighbouring
countries, and the inner weaknesses that can bring Zenawi's end very

This is the reason the ONLF leadership must act, and must act fast.

Various groups of political power, European administrations, several
Oil giants, the State Department, the Chinese leadership and other
regional powers of the Indian Ocean region are currently involved one
way or another in Ogaden.

While deploying greater commitment at the military level (to both
defend the unarmed and starving local population and prevent the
exploitation of Ogaden's natural resources from the cooperation of the
Abyssinian tyrannical regime with various multinational
conglomerates), the ONLF should become even more energetic at the
political level.

The case of the Ogaden Genocide must be denounced in every capital
city in the world; contacts must therefore be undertaken with various
governments allover the world.

Without taking past policies as irreversible, as we are living in a
fast changing world, the ONLF leadership must contact Russia, Turkey,
Iran, India, Pakistan, Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Indonesia, Malaysia,
Japan and even China in order to propagate the Cause of Ogaden and the
troubles of the Ogadeni Nation.

Repentant Russians – Can they See Ogaden as their Way for an African Comeback?

It is only obvious, with our 30-year experience since the Ogaden War,
that both the Russians and the Ogadenis were the losers of the
catastrophic pro-Abyssinian policy of the Brezhnev Soviet

It's not only the Ogadenis who due to the utterly immoral and
ominously myopic choice of the Soviet foreign policy have been
constrained to emigration, poverty, starvation, discrimination,
oppression and genocide.

The Russians themselves proved to be the world's most spectacular
losers in Africa and the Warm seas.

Where are all the gains of the 70s?

Gone with the wind!

Russians have been left totally out of the new Scramble for Africa;
European colonial powers (France and England), America, China and even
India have demonstrated a stronger presence, a greater ability to
penetrate, cooperate, and promote their interests.

Everything is a matter of perception, and in politics every policy is
momentary, provisional, impermanent, and therefore reversible.

Ogaden – Geo-Strategic Key to Control over the Entire Eastern Africa

Many view the pacification and reunification of Somalia as the first
step for Ogaden's liberation from the terrorist Abyssinian rule that
was undeservedly imposed on them by the departing British colonials'
agreement with the lewd butcher, the analphabetic pseudo-king Haile

They may be right; but their vision is not the only existing! There is
an antilogous pole to this approach.

Ogaden's liberation will trigger the pacification of Somalia, the
dissolution of the heinous, execrable and inhuman colonial relic of
Abyssinia (fallaciously re-baptized 'Ethiopia'), and the calm in the
borders between Eritrea and the (then expected to rise) Tigray
Republic of Abyssinia.

With Ogaden pacified, free and independent, the Somali South's
warlords will have little chance to survive, and the recently signed
Djibouti Agreement will be successfully implemented without the TFG
president having again a chance to jeopardize Somalia's chances for
progress. The two factions of ARS, the Somali Diaspora, the Shabab
fighters, and a part of Somali patriotic representatives from the TFG
will guarantee peace in the Somali South.

In view of Ogaden's liberation and the Somali South's pacification,
the unrecognized autonomous administration of Puntland will be
automatically dissolved. As consequence, the patriotic forces in the
Somali North will revolt against the treacherous, tyrannical regime of
the secessionist 'Somaliland' puppets of Abyssinia, and helped by
Ogadenis and other Somalis, will exterminate the thugs and the
gangsters of the disreputable tyrant Rayale, the most disreputable
Somali renegade and high traitor of all times.

Free Ogaden, reunified Somalia, and peaceful Eritrea will trigger the
decomposition of Abyssinia, with the secession of the Afars, the
establishment of the Oromia Republic with capital at Finfinne
(currently and illegally called Addis Ababa), and the formation of the
confederation of the Kushitic Nations that will be an umbrella for the
independent African nations of the Sidamas, the Kaffas, the Kambaatas,
the Shekachos, the Wolayitas, the Anuak and the Nuer.

The nation that will help Ogaden in its path for independence will
certainly gain control over 5 million km2 of Eastern African territory
where the Anglo-French colonials are reviled, the Americans loathed,
the local regimes rejected, and China starts being perceived as an
immoral and heartless enemy of tyrannized nations.

ONLF can say this to attentive Russian ears.

The aforementioned is a brief sketch of a potentially convincing
argumentation that could be presented to the great losers (thus far)
of the 21st century African Scramble of Energy and Freedom, the
Russians. One should expand on the subject similarly, while presenting
the Cause of Ogaden to other administrations.

In the same way must be contacted European administrations that have
expressed a time honored diplomatic tradition of Concern for Human
Rights; the same concerns parts of the American Establishment, Italy
and the Vatican.

Ogaden can become the land where Islam and Christianity will meet due
to an explicit Concern for Humanity commonly expressed by the
Organization of the Islamic Conference and the Vatican.

The world of global business must be equally contacted and sought
after, in the struggle for Independence, Freedom, and Human Integrity
in Ogaden. Oil giants must come to terms with the inoperability of the
policy plan to cooperate with tyrannies. Instead of losing lives of
employees, infrastructure, money and time in perilous investments that
can rightfully become the target of a liberation army, they would
better defend their interests by subsidizing the cause of an
endangered and long tyrannized nation, and by contributing to its

Certainly, cooperation at the local level with the other tyrannized
nations of Abyssinia, with struggling Somali brethren and several
administrations in the Horn of Africa region must be undertaken and
pursued. It will however be complementary. This must be clear.

After all, it is a matter of planning and determination; ONLF has no
other option than to offer Ogaden its first free, independent,
national government, president, constitution. All Ogadenis' eyes turn
to them; all their wishes will propel ONLF to the international scene.
The time is now!

I republish the ONLF Resolutions statement integrally, as it
represents a critical document for the times ahead.

Ogaden National Liberation Front (ONLF)

4th General Meeting of The Central Committee (22nd to 30 July 2008)


The fourth plenary session of the Central Committee of the Ogaden
National Liberation Front (ONLF) was held from 22 July to 30 July

The meeting's agenda focused on several issues of significance to the
struggle of the Somali people of Ogaden [in southeastern Ethiopia] and
explored a variety of strategies to overcome the challenges faced by
the front.

The session analysed, at length, the situation in the Horn of Africa,
global political realities, particularly the current situation in
Ogaden. The session reviewed the progress made in advancing the
struggle since the last Central Committee session. It was agreed that
the movement made significant progress towards its goals during the
period under review, with operational objectives being implemented as

The Central Committee welcomed the progress made during the period in
the military, political and social arena. The session also noted the
steadfastness, sacrifice and courage of the people of Ogaden despite
the inhumane blockade and continuing war crimes perpetrated by the
army of Tigray People's Liberation Front (TPLF [dominant party in the
ruling coalition])-led Ethiopian regime.

The session also appraised the strategic and operational capability of
the Ogaden National Liberation Army (ONLA) and highly commended the
numerous victories of the ONLA despite overwhelming odds. Furthermore,
the session praised the people in the Diaspora for their steadfastness
in support of the struggle in raising the awareness of the
international community regarding the atrocities perpetrated by the
regime in Ethiopia.

The session took stock of the weakness of the TPLF regime militarily,
politically and economically and noting that the regime stands only
due to external support, particularly from donor countries.

It was also highlighted that there are now signs that the TPLF
regime's policy of expansionism and suppression of the will of the
peoples of the Horn of Africa is beginning to unravel. The TPLF regime
has also failed in its invasion of Somalia and suppression of the
various peoples under its tyrannical rule. Furthermore, its unjust
sinister designs on its neighbouring countries are destabilizing the
Horn of Africa.

After extensive discussions and analysis, the fourth ordinary session
of the Central Committee reached significant conclusions and finalized
a comprehensive strategic plan of action aimed at advancing the
struggle in the military, political and organizational arena, with an
eye towards promoting cooperation and coordination among other
struggling peoples in the Horn of Africa. As such, the following was

1. To strengthen and build upon the successes in mobilizing the
population both inside and outside of Ogaden;

2. To strengthen the unity and solidarity of the people in Ogaden in
order to counter the programmes and initiatives of the enemy;

3. To strengthen and promote the cooperation and coordination of the
forces of the oppressed peoples of the Horn of Africa against the
tyrannical regime of [Prime Minister] Meles Zenawi;

4. To boost diplomatic and informational efforts of the national
liberation struggle.

The fourth ordinary session of the Central Committee also condemned:

1. The continuing war crimes and crimes against humanity perpetrated
by the TPLF regime against the Somali people of Ogaden, including
extrajudicial killings, torture, rape and forced displacement;

2. The atrocities against the brotherly people of Somalia committed on
a daily basis by the TPLF regime, and it's sinister policy aimed at
preventing the re-establishment of a legitimate Somali state;

3. The policy of the TPLF regime characterized by territorial
expansion and hostile action towards its neighbours;

4. All acts of state sponsored terrorism planned and executed by the
TPLF regime.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Somalia - A Time for Thanks

Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis

There is always a time for thanks; a moment to stop regular
activities, and express recognition and gratitude to those whom we
identify as an appreciatively essential advocate.

I would thank Mr. Ahmed Haji Abdi in private for his willingness to
publish an entire article to thank my modest person for the otherwise
minor contribution to the efforts leading to Somalia's Re-liberation,
Pacification, Re-Unification, Re-habilitation and Rise.

I truly believe that my efforts are minor, as they represent an
exclusively online article publication that spans over mainly a year;
and I am convinced that many Somalis, who ceaselessly published for
many years or even over a decade fiery features and fervent editorials
in favour of Somalia's Unity, truly deserve to be thanked first.

I must underscore here how much I loved reading the poetical and
ardent, noble and starlike literature so many Somali patriots have
magnificently produced over the last years on the web. There are few
in the world like them. And this only adds to Somalia's glory, and to
the utmost shame of Somalia's enemies – particularly the perfidious
English and the evil Amhara and Tigray Monophysitic Abyssinians.

If I reply in public to return the compliment, it is because Mr. Ahmed
Haji Abdi's text is also instructive and passionate for the Cause that
we commonly serve. At the same time, I find this time for thanks an
excellent opportunity for me to thank all the Somalis, from the North,
the East, the South, and from the High Land of Bleeding Ogaden, for
their wonderful mails of support and enthusiastic solidarity, their
letters full if questions and inquiries, their comments and reports,
and their news and testimonies to the inhuman Drama Somalia has been
undeservedly exposed to.

More than the Somalis, I intend to thank here Eternal, Diachronic
Somalia, namely the Paradisiacal Land the Past of which I studied and
explored mainly in Egyptian Hieroglyphic, Ancient Greek, and Latin
textual and epigraphic evidence. I will always see Somalia through the
eyes of Admiral Nehesy of Queen Hatshepsut's pharaonic fleet that
sailed to the area immediately in the South of Raas Caseyr to honor
the early Somali King Perehu and to advance the commercial exchanges
between the two countries by transferring to Egypt frankincense,
various metals and products, and - above all – "earth" of Punt.

This 'oddity' reflected the Egyptian conviction that Somalia was the
holiest land in the world, the very blessed land of the Original
Paradise of which we have only few hints in the Ancient Egyptian
texts. The transportation of earth from of Somalia's Holy Land to
Thebes of Egypt was part of the expedition's reasons, as this would
help advance the botanological research in Amun's Gardens at Karnak;
however, at the same time, the event helps us better understand the
religious term used by the Ancient Egyptians for Punt, namely Ta
Netsher, 'Land of God(s)'.

Indiscriminately perceived as such by either monotheistic or
polytheistic priesthoods, and by many peoples and nations, Somalia
proved in its 4-millennia long History that it remained inexorably as
it was first sanctified by the Ancient Egyptians; a Nation of Unique
Calling, Diversity, Perplexity and Simplicity, Openness and
Contemplation, Universality and Humanity, Poetry and Transcending,
Master of the Assonance, Great in Dissonance, and even Greater in

What can reconfirm Somalia's identity as Land of the Divine better
than the character of the Somali Original?

This moment of thanks covers all eras of Somali History, going from
the Antiquity through Islamic Ages to Modern Times; it concerns months
and years of study dedicated to Cosmas Indicopleustes, Ibn Battuta,
the anonymous author of the Periplus of the Red Sea, Ptolemy the
Geographer, Agatharchides, Pliny, Strabo and many others who reached
Ta Netsher, Divine Somalia, either physically, mentally or
transcendentally. There are no words that could express my gratitude
for the discovery of Humanity through Somalia.

That's why I would like to underscore my total agreement with Mr.
Ahmed Haji Abdi as regards his Calling for maintenance and safety of
the Somali identity, and his Warning about the Ethiopian intentions.

Only truthful assertion of the deep Somali identity will lead today's
Somalis to a Great Future they all deserve; and only true estimation
of the magnitude of the evil Amhara and Tigray Monophysitic (Tewahedo)
threat will convince all Somalis that not a single Somali can be the
ally, partner or interlocutor of the Monophysitic Abyssinians.

Read their shameful lies to discover the evil Amhara plan to eradicate
the Somali Nation: they try now to diffuse the falsehood that Punt was
… Abyssinian! (
In fact, there has never been a single Abyssinian soldier on Somali
soil before the Abyssinian expansion against the High Land of Ogaden
in the beginning and the middle of the 20th century.

Somalis are immensely indebted to Dr. Muhammad Shamsaddin Megalommatis

By Ahmed Haji Abdi

Monday, July 21, 2008 - Dr. Muhammad S. Megalommatis deserves to be
thanked, to be honoured and to be rewarded with the highest national
award. When most of us celebrate whenever Dr. Muhammad Publishes an
article that purports our unity and exposes the ugliness of Tigre
regime and its agents in dear Somalia, stooges are united to defame
this honourable personality. The three puppet administrations in
Somalia, Puntland, and Somaliland are united to attack him for
exposing their demeaning enslavement by Melez and his entourage. Dr.
Muhammad, don´t give a damn to what these mean hearted stooges say.
The sons and daughters of Somalia and Oromo will script your name with
golden ink in their history. We shall teach our youth now and
generations to come your unreserved support, your selfless endeavour
and your unlimited sense of responsibility. You stood for what is
right when so many Somali politicians collaborate to the destruction
of their country and people. You give us what ever you can, while most
of us take everything from our country and give back nothing. We sell
short our dignity and national honour.

We shall honour your struggle for our cause nationally in due time.
That day will witness our unity. And believe you me it will be soon.
That day will be the same day when Somalis in Hargeisa, Borame,
Bosaaso, and Mogadishu once more united, united for the well-being of
all of us. We are one tribe, neither divided by language, colour or

No Somali with a drop of Somali gene, can stoop so low to entertain
Tigre Woyanes. That is what is happening in Hargeisa and in Bosaaso
willingly. Mogadishu and Beletweyne are shedding their blood to free
Somalis from this indignity. I am a Hargeisa citizen, from Isaq clan.
I lost brothers, cousins, and uncles in SNM struggle. I took my share
of the noble struggle of SNM. I believe the atrocity of military
regime against my clan was so immense and deep to be forgotten. That
pain cannot make me forgive the massacre committed by Ethiopian
imperialism against my people present and past.

To sense with tribal minded, let us remember that half of Isaq live in
the occupied territory of Western Somalia. Our historical towns and
villages are annexed by Ethiopia with the help of British colonial
power. Remember Jigjiga, Aware, Harshin, Daroor, Gaashamo and many
more. There is no Somali clan that is free of Ethiopian aggression and
butchery. Western Somalia is the heart of all Somalis. All clans:
Isaq, Dir, Darod, Hawiye, Rahanweyn, Gabooye and Jareer live side by
side in the pasture land of Western Somalia.

To go back to the genocide of Siyad Barre and his administration, in
reality it was engineered by a dictatorial regime that used its entire
means including clan tensions. The regime used its institutions
spearheaded by NSS, Military and Police. We cannot forgive the hands
of the regime and hunt down the heads. That is naive and justice
adulterated. We either forgive all or punish for every action of
genocide and other human right violations, regardless which clan the
perpetrator belongs to.

Today my Somaliland is the only part of Ex-Somalia where remnants of
military dictatorship form the government. Where else the head of
State and Government is an Ex-NSS colonel who directly executed and
initiated orders to kill, maim and imprison without court judgement of
innocent civilians in District of Berbera. No one denies that
President Riyale was NSS District Officer of Berbera till it was
liberated in 1991, when he ran away with military officers from the
south to Lasanod. There he met other NSS northerners and told to put
up with them, assuring him they will be treated as to other Isaq
officers. He contacted Abdirahman Tolwa his tribal cousin, who
reaffirmed him being northerner he will be treated same as the Isaq

Being tribal, we forgave criminals and labelled insult to innocent
people because they share clan name with Siyad Barre. That was wrong.
Justice knows no clan or colour. A criminal should be no more than
that. No tribe is to be punished for the shame subjected to our
people. There should be no collective punishment. And no Isaq,
Gadabursi, Harti and others who committed crime against humanity, be
pardoned because they belong to Somaliland clans. Forgive all or
prosecute all.

On the balance, we are better than rest of Somalia right now. We have
peace. They have war. War will end, and it will end if we engage to.
Our future is gloomy. We are walking towards Ethiopian trap. They want
to isolate us within Somali hemisphere. Internally, degree of
corruption in every level of government is unprecedented. In national
budget we spend more in the President´s office than Ministry of
Health, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Justice and Ministry of
Women and Social Affairs together. Bribery is the norm. A traffic
police will stop your vehicle without any excuse and tells you
frankly, either to pay or he will accuse you what ever he wants.
Judges negotiate with criminals and judge for the highest paid price.
We love free trade, and it never happened in our history that
livestock trade being intervened by government before current puppets.
Not even during dictatorship. Livestock is handed to a single Saudi
trader in a monopoly deal that tied with fixed price of $35.00 a head
of a sheep and for 5 years.

Somalilanders who can sell a head of sheep at $60.00 were rejected.
Where else a state intervenes to reduce export price of their only

Be warned of the Ethiopian intention. Visualize what our beautiful
city Hargeisa will look like in 20-50 years time. What language will
prevail? How many Amharic words are mixed with the daily talk of
ordinary people in Hargeisa? Multiply that with the number of years to
come. What will be our culture and ethnicity, when our brothers of
Somali West and Somalia are not welcome, and on the contrary
non-Somali Ethiopians are welcomed with open hands? They (Non-Somali
Ethiopians) come, settle and open any trade they so choose. No visa is
required and no rules to comply. Where that will lead us? Think and
act, before it is too late. Remember once there was an Oromo Kingdom,
an Arsi, a Harar, a Wallo, an Afar Sultanates and kingdoms. Where are
they now? They have been assimilated and swallowed.

How that will measure with our small and less populated Somaliland?

I have no personal enmity towards our neighbours. I love to see a free
Somalis in their country side by side with free Ethiopians,
cooperating for the good of the region. We have to compete in
development rather than in annihilation and destruction. Let us
respect one another. That is how the Horn will succeed.

May my people think, think, and think about the future more than they
do about the past. May they focus on what we share as Somalis, May
they remember thousands that sacrificed their soul for the Greater
Somalia. No family in Hargeisa without a relative that fought against
Ethiopian hegemony. Many of them died for this noble cause, others are
handicapped for life and others suffer mental disorder for the state
we are in. They see daily Ethiopians not only respected but enthroned
in their home town, while they are despised and left unemployed and
unsheltered. Same is true in Borama, Buroa, Berbera, Erigabo, and

Brothers and sisters think for the generations to come. We owe them at
least to maintain and safe their Somali identity.

Ahmed Haji Abdi